Frequently Asked Questions

What does Beta mean?

Cronboard is currently in its Beta phase. What this means that we believe the project is largely ready for public use we are still testing and enhancing it. During this period features and UI may undergo changes, and there's a chance that you may encounter bugs or errors.

Is the Beta phase free? (Yes!)

Yes! During the Beta period no charges are being incurred, and no restrictions to plan quotas are being enforced. You are free to use and evaluate the project without any limits.

What happens when the Beta ends?

Once the Beta ends we will start enforcing the quotas for all plans, and will start billing customers.

Beta participants will receive a month of free usage and permanently higher limits to their account quotas.

How do I get started?

Getting started with Cronboard is easy! Once you've signed up to the Beta waiting list and have had your account activated, you will go through a simple onboarding process.

Can I use this in production?

Yes! While the project is still in Beta and is undergoing testing it has been architectured in a way to sandbox it within your application and prevent it from interupting your scheduled tasks in the case of a bugs or errors.

Do I need to import my schedule?

Not necessarily. While this option is available for existing projects or to get you started quickly - you can choose to instead use Cronboard to define it from scratch.

Whichever approach you take - you will still have access to the full management capabilities of Cronboard.

What if I want to track only specific things?

No problem! You can configure exactly which parts of your codebase or schedule you want to be hidden from Cronboard. You can fine-tune these settings and preview what will be shared before completing your integration.

Would connectivity issues affect the execution of my schedule?

Absolutely not! Cronboard is designed in a way that your schedule will always execute, even if connection to the dashboard has been lost.

This means that even if you've opted to define your complete schedule using our dashboard such events will not lead to any disruptions.

How can I get in touch?

You can reach us via the Contact form. We are always available for questions, suggestions and welcome any feedback!

You also have the chance to take a more active role in the development by working together with us to tailor the project in way to best suit your use cases.